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Term of Use

Welcome to Bizail LLC ("Bizail," "we," "us," or "our"). These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of the services provided by Bizail through the website https://bizail.com. By accessing or using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

1. Description of Service

Bizail operates as an aggregator of businesses for sale, sourcing listings from hundreds of websites and receiving daily submissions from brokers and brokerages who request to display their listings on our platform. Our service aims to provide users within the United States who are seeking to purchase a business with comprehensive and curated listings from various online sources. Bizail's goal is simple: to simplify browsing businesses for sale. Bizail does not solicit, persuade, or convince users to acquire a business, nor do we act as financial advisors. Additionally, Bizail does not receive commissions from sellers or brokers.

2. Service Terms

User Terms

Bizail provides a platform designed for maximum user-friendliness, allowing access without the necessity of creating an account. However, the listings displayed on our platform include links that redirect to the original listing sources or websites, which may require account creation, use of cookies, or adherence to other terms and conditions. The information in each listing is either curated from various websites or provided by the business seller or their representative. Bizail does not have any stake in the sale of these businesses, has not independently verified any information provided, and assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. While we strive to keep our listings updated, some listings may not reflect recent changes, and the sale price, financial information, description, and other details may have changed without our knowledge. Therefore, it is important to contact the brokerage for the most up-to-date information. Bizail disclaims any responsibility for actions, interactions, or transactions that occur outside of our platform.

Terms for URL Submissions

  • Responsibility for Updates: It is the responsibility of the individual or entity submitting a URL to Bizail to notify us promptly when a listing has been changed, sold, or removed from their website.
  • Unique URL Requirement: Each listing submitted must have a separate, unique URL to ensure accurate and specific redirection to the respective listing.
  • Removal Requests: Sellers can request the removal of URLs from our platform at any time by submitting a request under the "Remove URL" section.
  • Revision Requests: Sellers can request revisions to their listings by submitting the updated information along with the respective URL under the "Revision" section.
  • Minimum Information Requirement: Each listing must display a minimum set of information, including pricing, sales, and cash flow details.
  • Maintenance of URLs: URLs that are not maintained or updated will be removed from our platform to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our listings.

More User Responsibilities

By using the Website, you agree to:

  • Refrain from providing unlawful content that may compromise Website security or harm other Users.
  • Abide by all laws, contracts, intellectual property rights, and other third-party rights, assuming sole responsibility for your actions on the Sites.
  • Adhere to these Terms and refrain from engaging in harassing, threatening, intimidating, predatory, or stalking behavior.
  • Abstain from unauthorized use of another user’s account.
  • Avoid using the Sites in any manner that could disrupt other users' enjoyment or impair Site functionality.
  • Refrain from attempting to access unauthorized features or areas of the Sites, including bypassing security measures.
  • Avoid using any unauthorized automated tools or interfaces to access the Sites or extract data.
  • Refrain from soliciting information from users for illegal purposes, causing harm, or engaging in scams.

3. Data Collection

We do not use cookies or any other tracking technologies for data collection. Nor do we request personal data, account creation, or even an email. However, please be aware that websites you are redirected to from Bizail may use cookies to collect data, and they may require account creation, email addresses, or even personal information such as names and phone numbers. It is your responsibility to decline their data collection practices if you choose to do so.

4. Revenue Generation

Our revenue is generated through various channels, which include:

  • Affiliate links: We may earn commissions when users click on affiliate links and make purchases or take actions on third-party websites.
  • Advertisements: Revenue is generated through ad impressions and clicks from advertisements displayed on our site.
  • Featured listings: Businesses may pay to prominently feature their listings on our platform.
  • URL submissions: Sellers can upload URLs/listings under a pay-as-you-go plan. These listings remain active and available for sale as long as they are maintained, including updates to ensure pricing matches the seller's original website.

5. Data Display and Organization

We display essential information such as gross sales, net income, and detailed business information on our platform. Users can explore listings further by clicking on the "Learn More" link, which redirects them to the respective website hosting the listing. Please note, information may change over time without Bizail's knowledge. For the most accurate and up-to-date listing details, visit the listing page and contact the respective broker.

6. Disclaimer Regarding External Links

The Site may offer or provide links to third-party websites, content, services, or information ("Third-Party Materials"). Bizail does not govern or assume responsibility for any Third-Party Materials, and their presence on the website does not signify endorsement of, or association with, the provider of Third-Party Materials. Your utilization of Third-Party Materials is undertaken at your own discretion and risk.

7. User Interaction

Users are welcome to browse our site at no charge. They can visit listing websites, filter through listings for sale, and click on provided links to access more information directly from the original source. Please note that prices and financial details may not be the same as they can be updated on the original website link at any given time without our knowledge. It is important to note that we are not brokers and do not facilitate transactions between users and listings. Additionally, we do not earn commissions from business sales.

8. Compliance Considerations

We are committed to adhering to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including but not limited to:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): We ensure that personal data is collected and processed in accordance with GDPR principles.
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): We respect the privacy rights of California residents and provide them with control over their personal information.

9. Third-party Involvement

While we do not involve third parties in the provision of our core services, examples of potential third-party involvement may include:

  • Hosting providers: We may use third-party hosting services to host our Site and store data.
  • Analytics services: We may use analytics services to gather information about Site usage and performance.
  • Advertising partners: We may partner with third-party advertisers to display ads on our platform.

10. Intellectual Property

Unless specified otherwise, the website constitutes our proprietary property. All source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics on the Site (referred to collectively as the “Content”), as well as the trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein (referred to as the “Marks”), are either owned or under our control, or licensed to us. They are safeguarded by copyright and trademark laws, as well as various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws of the United States, foreign jurisdictions, and international conventions. The Content and the Marks are presented on the Site “AS IS” for your personal information and use only. Except as explicitly provided in these Terms of Use, no portion of the Site or any Content or Marks may be copied, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose whatsoever without our express prior written permission.

11. Modification to Terms

Bizail reserves the right to modify or amend these Terms at any time, at its sole discretion. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Site. Your continued use of the Site after such changes constitutes your acceptance of the revised Terms.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of law principles. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in California to resolve any dispute arising out of these Terms or the use of the Site.

13. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms or our services, please contact us at support@bizail.com.