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Privacy Policy

Bizail LLC ("Bizail," "we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the information you provide when using our services through the website https://bizail.com ("Site"). By accessing or using the Site, you consent to the practices described in this policy.

This Privacy Policy outlines how your information is gathered, utilized, revealed, and safeguarded during your interactions with our Site encompassing all other media forms, channels, mobile websites, or applications associated with it (collectively referred to as the “Site”). Please peruse this policy attentively. If you disagree with its terms, refrain from accessing the site.

We retain the right to modify this Privacy Policy at our discretion, and such alterations will be indicated by updating the “Last Updated” date. Any amendments will take effect immediately upon posting on the Site, and you relinquish the right to receive individual notifications for each change.

We recommend revisiting this Privacy Policy periodically to stay abreast of updates. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of any revised Privacy Policy will signify your awareness, acceptance, and adherence to the changes therein.

1. Data Collection Sources

We use scraper tools to collect data from websites that are online and update listings on a 30-day pattern, we also receive daily submissions from brokerages to post listings on their behalf. This data includes information about businesses for sale, such as gross sales, net income, location, and business details.

2. Data Display and Organization

We display the bare minimum information that users are looking for, such as gross sales, net income, and business details. Users can decide if they want to learn more by clicking on the "Learn More" link, which redirects them to the respective website hosting the listing. We do not display personally identifiable information unless provided explicitly by the user.

3. User Interaction

Users are required to create an account to use our site. User actions include clicking on the links of the listings they are interested in for more information. It's important to note that we are not brokers or involved in the transactions between users and listings, and we do not earn commissions if a business is sold.

3a. Brokerage accounts:

Maintaining accurate information about you enables us to offer a seamless, efficient, and personalized experience. Specifically, we may utilize information gathered about you through the Site for the following purposes:

  • Establishing and managing your account.
  • Assisting law enforcement and responding to legal subpoenas.
  • Compiling anonymous statistical data and analysis for internal use or sharing with third parties.
  • Providing targeted advertising, coupons, newsletters, and promotional information about the Site.
  • Corresponding with you via email regarding your account or orders.
  • Facilitating user-to-user communications.
  • Processing and managing purchases, orders, payments, and other transactions associated with the Site.
  • Creating a personalized profile to enhance future visits to the Site.
  • Enhancing the efficiency and functionality of the Site.
  • Monitoring and analyzing usage patterns and trends to enhance your browsing experience.
  • Notifying you of updates to the Site.
  • Introducing new products, services, or recommendations to you.
  • Carrying out other necessary business activities.
  • Preventing fraudulent transactions, monitoring for theft, and safeguarding against criminal activity.
  • Handling payment processing.
  • Soliciting feedback and reaching out to you regarding your Site usage.
  • Resolving disputes and addressing any technical issues.
  • Responding to product inquiries and customer service requests.
  • Distributing tips and advice to make your listing more clickable.
  • Seeking support for the Site's continued operation.

4. Monetization of Data

We do not share or sell user data to third parties for any purpose. We do not engage in the monetization of user data.

5. Data Security

We employ industry-standard measures to protect the security of your information. This includes encryption, firewalls, and regular security audits. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.

6. Compliance Considerations

We are committed to adhering to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including but not limited to GDPR and CCPA, regarding the collection, use, and protection of user data. This includes providing mechanisms for users to access, update, or delete their personal information.

7. Third-party Services

We do not share your personal information with third-party services except as necessary to provide our services, or as required by law. Any third-party services utilized adhere to industry-standard privacy and security practices.

8. Legal Disclosure and Protection of Rights

If we are legally obligated or deem it necessary to safeguard rights, respond to legal proceedings, investigate potential policy violations, or ensure the safety and protection of others' rights, property, and well-being, we may disclose your information in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, or rules. This may involve sharing information with other entities to prevent fraud and mitigate credit risks.

9. Cookies and Web Beacons

To enhance your experience and customize the Site, we may utilize cookies in the future with the option to opt out, web beacons, tracking pixels, and similar tracking technologies. Please note that when you visit the Site, we do not collect your personal information through these tracking technologies. While most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, you have the option to remove or reject them. However, it's important to acknowledge that doing so may impact the availability and functionality of the Site. Please be aware that web beacons cannot be declined, but you can render them ineffective by declining all cookies or adjusting your web browser's settings to prompt you for acceptance or rejection of cookies on a case-by-case basis.

10. Linked Sites via Listings

Our platform includes links to third-party websites where you can find the original sources of listings for sale. Please be aware that these external websites operate independently of our platform and may have their own privacy policies and practices.

Important Considerations:

  • Third-Party Systems and Cookies: These external websites may use third-party systems and cookies to collect and process your data.
  • Data Sharing: These websites may share or sell your data to other parties.
  • Form Submissions: Exercise caution when filling out any forms on these external websites.
  • Independent Privacy Practices: Our inclusion of links to these websites does not imply endorsement or responsibility for their content or data handling practices.

Tips for Safe browsing:

  • Consult a Lawyer: Before handing over any deposits, we strongly advise you to hire a lawyer to review the terms and conditions of the sale.
  • Protect Personal Information: Do not share any personal information such as your social security number, bank details, or other sensitive data on these external websites.
  • Verify Legitimacy: Conduct thorough research to verify the legitimacy of the seller and the listing. Look for reviews, ratings, and any signs of fraudulent activity.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter any suspicious activity or listings, report them immediately to the relevant authorities and notify us so we can take appropriate action.

While we strive to display listings from reputable and professional establishments, it is your responsibility to review the privacy policies and practices of any external sites you visit. We recommend you make informed decisions about the data you share when you leave our website and navigate to these third-party sites.

11. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at admin@bizail.com.