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Bizail is a platform designed to help users navigate through various businesses for sale by redirecting them to original sources, listing pages, or websites. We aggregate listings and receive daily listing submissions. Before you proceed, please be aware of the following important information:

  • Advertisements: You may encounter advertisements before being redirected to an external website.
  • Information Accuracy: The information provided in our listings comes from curated websites or brokerage submissions. Bizail has no stake in the sale of any business listed and has not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. As such, we assume no responsibility for any discrepancies or inaccuracies.
  • Redirection to External Sites: Our website redirects users to original sources, listing pages, or websites. We have no stake in the sale of any business and do not receive any commission if a business is purchased through these links.
  • Account Creation: When redirected, users may be asked to create an account on the third-party website. It is entirely up to the user to decide whether to subscribe or join these external sites.
  • Unverified Listings: The listings on our site are not verified or guaranteed. We do not ensure the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.
  • Updated Information: The numbers and details in the disclaimers on our site may differ from the original sources, as websites may update their information independently. We update some listings every 30 days, but there may be discrepancies.
  • Affiliate Links: Bizail earns money through affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you make a purchase through these links.
  • Informational Purpose: This website is intended to assist users in finding businesses for sale and is not a financial advisory platform.
  • Legal Advice: Users should consider hiring a lawyer before giving a deposit, providing personal information, or acquiring a business.

By using our service, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. Please read Bizail's Terms of Use carefully before proceeding.